Andrea Ravidà

Dr. Andrea Ravidà is the current program director of the Periodontics Department at the University of Pittsburgh.

Dr. Andrea Ravidà finished periodontal specialty training in Graduate Periodontics at the University of Michigan in 2021. Since graduation, he has been teaching as a full-time clinical professor at the University of Michigan. He teaches topics related to periodontal/implant disease and implant therapy to graduate periodontal residents and predoctoral students in the clinics and in the classroom. He also conducts clinical research focusing on peri-implantitis, short implants and guided bone regeneration. He has published more than 50 peer-reviewed articles and conference abstracts/presentations related to periodontics and implant therapy. He is section editor of the International Journal of Oral Implantology and serves as a reviewer for multiple international journals covering periodontics and implant dentistry. He received several other awards from the national’s authority in periodontics and implantology (American Academy of Periodontology and Academy of Osseointegration ) including the Schoor Research Award in 2020, the Educator Scholarship (2021) and William Laney Award (2020). He is also listed as a finalist of the Balint Orban competition (2020).