Prosthetic Guided Bone Regeneration for Ideal Implant Placement

CE Credit Hours:

A multiplicity of techniques exists to regenerate in preparation for successful dental implant therapy (GBR). Ideal bone regeneration and wound healing is dependent upon choosing the proper surgical technique and correct combination of bone graft material, growth factor and barrier membrane. The different sequences of  bone grafting and implant placement will also be discussed. A bone grafting algorithm that leads to consistent success will be elucidated.

At the end of this presentation the viewer will understand:

  • The types of bone grafts available
  • The value of a barrier membrane and how to use it
  • The use of growth factors in bone grafting success
  • The four grafting timing possibilities
    • At the time of extraction (site preservation)
    • Simultaneous with extraction and implant placement (immediate implantation)
    • Post extraction and ridge augmentation (Per-implant GBR)
    • Post extraction (ridge augmentation, sinus grafting, ridge expansion)
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